Diagnostic tests tell you whether you have an active COVID infection. Currently, there are rapid antigen tests and more precise molecular tests. The main molecular test in use is based on PCR (polymerase chain reaction), but there are other types of diagnostic molecular tests. Another name for the diagnostic test is a virus test.
Antibody tests tell you whether you had a prior COVID infection. Again, there are rapid tests as well as conventional laboratory serology tests.

-Antigen Qualitative Swab Test
-Rapid Antibody test
-RT-PCR Swab test

Remember that “Beauty Speaks” well when you are healthy, ALWAYS!
For urgent concerns:
BGC branch:
đź“ŤUnit 2H The Grand Hamptons Tower II
1st ave. corner 31st street BGC, Taguig City
You can directly message Vine Aesthetics on this link
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